A view from Neva river at Peter-and-Paul Fortress
St. Petersburg is among the best tourist destinations in the world, according to the opinion of the users of TripAdvisor service. A rating of 25 cities was drawn up for choosing a tourist destination in 2017. St.Petersburg became the only city from Russia, included in the list among the destinations around the world, taking the 14th line. The other best destinations are Bali, London, Paris, Rome, New York, Crete and Barcelona. The most recommended places for sightseeing are: the Savior on Spilled Blood, the Hermitage, the St. Isaac’s Cathedral and the Grand Palace in Peterhof. In addition, the TripAdvisor users counted 2 703 variants of pastime for the guests of the city on the Neva. In a similar rating for Europe, St. Petersburg is on the 8th place, and Moscow closes it.