Saint-Petersburg Excursions And Tours

City government announced the Top-10 urban events of the year 2017

According to the decision of the Committee for the Development of Tourism in St. Petersburg, the top 10 most significant urban events for 2017 were drawn up. The selection criteria were the number of participants, uniqueness, entertainment, use of new technologies, the availability of awards and positive feedback.

1. “The Scarlet Sails” – holiday of the graduates of the St. Petersburg schools  (is held annually at the end of June, listed in the world tourism register).

2. Festival of Light (the venue for the spring festival in 2017 will be a stadium on the Krestovsky Island, and an autumn festival is planned for November).

3. “Classics at the Palace Square” (a concert of classical music on the main square of St. Petersburg, dedicated to the celebration of the City Day).

4. The Baltic Sea Assembly (will be held at the territory of the Peter-and-Paul Fortress, the program of the Assembly in 2017 includes activities on land and on water).

5. Opening of fountains in Peterhof (a holiday dedicated to the beginning of the summer season, organized in the Peterhof Museum in late May).

6. Bike Festival “St.Petersburg Harley Days” (the festival of the legendary Harley-Davidson brand annually covers the center of St. Petersburg in August).

7. New Year celebration (concerts at different city venues, Father Frost’s visit, light show at Palace Square and others).

8. The “White Nights” marathon  (a mass run of 42 km runs along the very center of St. Petersburg in July).

9. The “Singing bridges” sound show (first held in 2016, again starts at the beginning of the tourist season and will continue until the end of September).

10. The Festival “Opera for All” (according to tradition, it will unite the art-lovers  in summer at various city sites).